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Finding a Private Investigator Near You

There are a plethora of reasons why one might want or need to hire a private investigator. Their services are sought after by a wide variety of entities. Law firms, insurance companies, private individuals, recruitment agencies and almost any company looking to hire someone new for a sensitive position. These

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When to Bring in an Expert Witness Testimony?

A witness is a person who, in a civil or criminal court case, answers question under oath. This takes place either during a deposition or a trial. A witness statements during this process is called a testimony. It is also a type of evidence that a judge or jury can

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What is a Licensed Private Investigator?

A licensed private investigator, sometimes referred to as a PI, is someone who’s job entails acquiring information, uncovering and compiling evidence or finding a missing person. Private citizens and companies often seek out these services, and make up most of their clientele. Private investigators often work for attorneys and lawyers

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How to Hire a Private Investigator

There are a variety of reasons one might need to hire a Private investigator. You might need to find someone, keep track of someone’s activities or collect information on a particular event or someone’s history. There’s a lot of choice out there however, so how can we be sure we’re

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How a Private Investigator Can Help With Your Child Custody Case

Child custody is a very serious matter. Cases like these involve an arduous path and a huge risk to both parties. Psychologically, emotionally and economically. Both parties, and the court involved, seek to prioritize the children’s best interest. This is what would usually drive and determine who gets custody, and

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Why Hire a Private Investigator to Help Your Case?

Private investigators often work closely with law firms. The legal industry is one of the prime sources of clientele for private investigation companies. So you can rest assured, that hiring a private investigator could be very helpful for your case. Both in preparation for court, and during an active case.

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Who Hires Private Investigators?

A question often asked, and often wondered about. One that comes with a multitude of misconceptions. These range from what a private investigator does, to what the people that hire them are like. This is due to a number of reasons, but there are two in particular that stand out:

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Background Checks and Criminal Record

When people commit certain crimes, it goes into their criminal record. This record serves to notify organizations that such an individual has been involved in a certain criminal act in the past. The organization may then decide to act on the record as it will. If they perceive that the

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Expert Witness: Can their testimony help speed up a case?

The wheels of justice turn slowly, so the saying goes. But can the use of expert witnesses help the speed of which a case is determined? An expert witness testimony provides factual evidence that will be used to help determine the outcome of a case. A good testimony can influence

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Coronavirus Risk Reduction

With the fast spread of this Coronavirus, everywhere and everybody is feared to be suspects.  However, it is important to note that regardless of the fear, the virus will keep spreading and the news will seem to get closer by the day. Instead of joining the fear movement, read on

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