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How Much Does Hiring a Private Investigator Cost?

Before going into how much it costs to hire a private investigator, we must first figure out what they offer. Once the value of their service is clear, we will be able to understand what their prices offer. The work of a private investigator ranges to a wide variety of

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What Training Do Private Investigators Undergo?

Most people who go onto become private investigators have had some form of prior training. Usually, they would have had some kind of training in a related field. For example, they may have worked as a police officer, or in a law firm or served in the military. Some may

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How Do Private Investigators Conduct an Investigation?

There are a variety of cases a private investigator may take on. Some of these include finding lost or stolen property, proof of an unfaithful partner, proof of an unreliable and dishonest business partner, a missing person, a perpetrator of an unsolved crime. These are only some of the types

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What Are Private Investigators Allowed to Do?

The very term private investigator comes with a multitude of connotations. Most of these stem from popular culture, particularly literature and movies. Everyone is familiar with the classic noir aesthetic, and private investigators are about as synonymous with it as butter is to toast. Private investigation has of course enjoyed

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Where Do Private Investigators Require a License?

Various jurisdictions around the world require that private investigators hold a license. Not all but many. They may also be allowed to carry a sidearm or not, depending on local laws. In these cases, this particular type of private investigator could have been a law enforcement agent in the past.

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What Do Private Investigators Do?

Private investigators engage in a wide variety of responsibilities. And as we discussed in last week’s article they work with a variety of clients. All of which come from different industries and walks of life. Today we will discuss what jobs a private investigator may engage in, and how they

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What is a Private Investigator?

Private investigators have a rather interesting place in society. Particularly in how the public view them. Most people’s experiences with a private investigator, or someone with their set of skills, would be through some kind of media. Whether it be through a film, book, etc. It tends to be through

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What Types of Subpoena Services do Private Investigators Provide?

Society’s most common view or stereotype of a private investigator usually involves some kind of surveillance or detective work. However, private investigators also work in the judicial sector, collaborating with attorneys and working in court. This is oftentimes more common actually. There are a variety of legal services a private

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The History of Private Investigation

Fiction, whether it be in series, films or books, often portray people working in the private investigation industry as intriguing and mysterious figures. Naturally many are attracted to this mystique. So one might wonder where this trade began, and how it garnered the reputation it did. In this article, we

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How Private Investigators Perform Background Checks

There are plenty of ways and reasons a private investigator may perform a background check on someone. Depending on the client in question the nature of the background check might change too. The context of a background check can be in court cases, concerning witnesses and/or the opposition. These tend

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How to Make the Most of a Private Investigator

A private investigator is a person who undertakes investigatory law services. They can be hired by individuals or groups. They most often work for attorneys in civil and criminal cases. There are also various types of private investigators, besides those which work on civil and criminal cases. There are those

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5 Jobs a Private Investigator Can Do for You

Fiction often portrays private investigators very differently to how they are in real life. Which has lead to some confusion as to what exactly a private investigator can do. What do their jobs entail? In this article we will be going over the 5 most predominant jobs a private investigator

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