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How you can help your PI serve you better

The job of a private Investigator is a very crucial, demanding, tasking and risky job; as it entails uncovering secrets, finding and exposing hidden facts, investigating crimes, verifying and uncovering people’s identity and unraveling mysteries; all of which are very detrimental to the safety of the PI’s life and property.

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Pioneers of Private Investigation

The private investigation genre in movies and books is one people are often fascinated by. This brings about the question of; who pioneered it? Private investigation has been practiced since the time of Moses (although unofficially) when God told him to send a group of men to spy on the

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The Evolution Of Private Investigators

The purpose of hiring a private investigator is to help people, be it, private individuals, lawyers, and organizations uncover information that is not easily accessible. These skilled artisans perform a wide range of tasks and have been in existence for as long as we have needed someone better suited to

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Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Private Investigator

Hiring a private investigator makes a case that seems difficult to solve simpler because private investigators help in running a thorough check on the people involved. They are very useful not just to the police alone, but to the society at large. They help in solving complicated cases like a

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5 Reasons to Have A Private Investigator on Speed Dial

To understand the important role private investigators play for people seeking additional information for arduous, here are 5 reasons why people should place private investigators on speed dial People seldom think the term “PI” short for “private investigator” refers to creepy individuals who sit in cars, clutching binocular pairs, squinting

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Tips For Hiring A Private Investigator

In this post, we shall be providing you with some tips on what to consider before hiring a private investigator, that should assist you to find the right person for the job so that you aren’t wasting your time and money. The fact is if you are at the point

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5 Cases Where a Private Investigator Defined the Outcome

No doubt, private investigators encounter a lot of cases daily. Ranging from the downright messy to very challenging ones, they usually have to rough it all out. However, the outcome is typically fantastic as they employ a lot of techniques and hours of surveillance that everyone else will rather not

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5 Ways A Private Investigator Can Help You

Hearing the word private investigator being mentioned, most people get curious as to what more they do. It is known that private investigators are known to work with the cops or lawyers to hunt down hardened criminals who are on the run. But the truth is, there is much more

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A Private Investigators Tools

“I don’t have a camera”, said no private investigator ever. Being a private investigator is not an easy task. To get the job done correctly, there are some essential tools that private investigators use. There are countless times where a private investigator has to work alone and having only skills

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Pre-Employment Screening For Your Business

Your workforce plays a vital role in the success of your company or business. One of the most important aspects of a successful and prosperous business is its healthy employee recruitment system, where special emphasis is placed on the background of the candidates. Pre-employment background screening is an essential criterion

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How Insurance Fraud Impacts Businesses in America

Insurance fraud is a crime which not only solely affects the insurance companies but also affects individuals or several citizens and various businesses altogether. Define Fraud Insurance fraud is defined as an act of crime by an individual in which the insurer or the insurance process is defrauded. In simpler

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your data on the dark web

Your Data on the Dark Web

Your Data can be Bought and Sold on The Dark Web As the name implies, the dark web is a part of the worldwide web that’s shrouded in darkness. You see, a regular search with search engines will never produce the dark web because they don’t have the torchlight necessary

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