Category: News

News & Articles


Private Investigators and Motor Vehicle Checks

Private investigators use motor vehicle checks in a wide spectrum of cases. They can provide valuable information useful in various contexts that might be relevant to supporting a given case. One of the more frequent uses of a motor vehicle check can entail registered ownership of a vehicle. PIs might

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Hire a Private Investigator for Child Custody

Child custody cases are delicate and often complicated. During a divorce, in particular, they tend to be the most contested aspect of said case. However, in terms of prerequisites, winning a child custody case is fairly simple. All that is necessary is enough proof that the other spouse, for instance,

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How Private Investigators Conduct a Witness Interview

A witness interview is of vast importance to any case. In fact, a witness statement can often prove to be the single most important piece of evidence in a given case or that an investigator may bring to the table. Hence why it is so important that all parties handle

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Private Investigators and Trial Preparation

The process of getting someone to court is actually not as simple as it might seem. When authorities arrest someone, for instance, they can’t just drop them off in court. There is a due process, and it requires time, personnel and resources put towards it. It is a complex process

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Hire a Private Investigator for Background Investigations

Private investigators can carry out background investigations and compile reports on the plaintiff’s claim history. They can help put together a strong and compelling case for a lawsuit. This can aid with your representation in court. Performing a background investigation on a case can help inform on the strength of

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How do Private Investigators Use Photography and Video Surveillance?

Often times it is essential for a private investigator to reveal the actions and/or whereabouts of a party or individual. Photography and video surveillance are some of the most useful methods for providing evidence of this nature. Moreover, it’s direct, valuable and efficient. With a trained and experienced PI, you

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Can Private Investigators Review Medical Records?

The short answer is yes, in some specific cases. Not all cases would require checking a subject’s medical records. However, in those where it would be relevant to the case, private investigators can engage in said process. Checking a party’s medical records can reveal the motives or even intentions of

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Why Hire a Private Investigator for Criminal Background Checks

When working a case it’s very important to have information on any given party’s criminal background. It’s important to note if they have had any criminal involvement, as it can provide significant leverage for a case. For instance, criminal actions or accusations made against a person in the past can

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Why Perform a Background Check on Your Witness?

A witness can make all the difference in a given case. They can turn the tide and therefore are very important to the integrity of a case. That is to say, it is just as important to perform background checks on them. This is to make sure they are reliable.

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Employing a Private Investigator for Skip Tracing

Unfortunately, in some cases, there are subjects who ‘skip’ or go missing. Finding them can be difficult and time-consuming. This is where skip tracing comes into play. Private investigators have the specific skills necessary to make this a more efficient and speedy process. They know the best kind of information

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How Financial Asset Information Can Help Your Case

Quite often financial gain or loss can trigger cases, as can the acquisition of assets. Tracking financial asset information can help determine the motives of an individual or company in question. The main reason to undertake an asset investigation is to identify any tangible or intangible assets. This can be

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