Category: News

News & Articles


How PIs Help Locating People

Private investigators are often hired because of their effectiveness in locating people. Whether it’s a missing person, a debtor, or a witness to a crime, PIs use a variety of techniques to track down individuals. One of the most effective methods used by PIs is called skip tracing. What is

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Choosing a Private Investigation Agency

If you’ve ever considered hiring a private investigation agency, then you know that there are many factors to consider. You want someone who can help you find the answers to your questions. The decision of who to hire can be difficult and confusing. It’s much simpler, however, when you know

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Subpoenas and How PIs Serve Them

Private investigators serve subpoenas to gain information relating to their client’s case. The most common types include tax, real estate, and legal requests. PIs must be careful to serve subpoenas correctly in order to avoid legal troubles. Hence why hiring a private investigator to serve papers is usually the best

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Background Checks and the Benefits of Hiring a PI

Employers who perform their own background checks on applicants often overlook key steps. Overlooking these could lead to hiring a person with a criminal record. In addition, they may not have the time or resources to conduct a thorough check. As a result, they may end up hiring someone who

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Family law and Hiring a Private Investigator

An assessment of the case by a knowledgeable family law attorney will help to determine if hiring a PI is worth the client’s time and money. For reliable evidence, you might want to consider hiring a private investigator. Attorneys can also able refer clients to respected investigators with appropriate expertise.

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Criminal Defense Investigations

Criminal defense investigations need to be thorough. Hiring a private investigator for such a type of investigation can be a great form of support for your case. They are experts in gathering evidence for presentation in court and providing witness statements to attorneys. PIs can also handle any other papers

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Why do Lawyers Hire Private Investigators?

Lawyers hire private investigators in order to stay ahead of the competition, as well as to make educated decisions regarding their firms and business partners. In the United States, law firms frequently employ one, if not more, investigators, or work in regular partnership with an investigative company. Law firms often

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How Private Investigators Serve Papers

Private Investigators provide evidence of service in order to serve papers and satisfy a court. Additionally, they ensure that it’s done according to the law. It takes an expertly trained professional to serve said documents. As well as, also to find a relevant individual who needs serving for a given

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Background Checks and Their Importance

One of the best ways a private investigator can assist attorneys is by conducting background checks. Often times they perform these on witnesses, so as to avoid any ‘surprises’ in court. This helps attorneys build a solid case, prepared for all possible circumstances. Attorneys may also need background information on

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Types of Witnesses

It’s part of any private investigator’s skillset to work with different types of witnesses. Mainly due to the fact that they can play a pivotal role in most cases. So in today’s article, we will be outlining the most commonly seen witnesses. There are quite a few different types of

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Attorney and Private Investigator Relationships

Solid attorney and private investigator relationships can make all the difference in court and countless cases. There is a perfect intersection in their skills that allows PIs to support attorneys. Mainly in taking enough workload off them that enables them to focus on working closely with their clients. Simultaneously helping

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Private Investigation Databases

Private investigators are experts at accessing information, today we will be discussing the most used private investigation databases. Although PIs have a variety of techniques at their disposal for investigation, using databases is among the most important. Some are free, yet many of these also come at a cost. Some

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